Blyth Sportshall Athletics Series 11th March
School Year 3/4 - 64m sprint, 320m endurance run, standing long jump, vertical jump, chest push 1kg
School Year 5/6 - 64m sprint, 448m endurance run, standing long jump, vertical jump, chest push 2kg
School Year 7/8/9 - 64m sprint, 576m endurance run, standing long jump, vertical jump, chest push 2kg
We look forward to welcoming young atheltes from all over the region to our indoor sportshall athletics seris. All athletes will recieve a medal and results posted online. The winning club over the two events will be crowned club champions. Athletes who break an all-time record will recieve a certificate.
Entry Fee: £6 per meeting. Entries in advance and online only at
Entries will close at Midnight on the Monday prior to event date.
Please check the website and social media for updates on the events including any specific COVID-19 guidance which will be based on current legislation and advice, and school guidelines.
any queries to [email protected]