Safeguarding and Welfare officer - Lynne Bate
Female Welfare Officer - Gemma Ashby
Male Welfare Officer - Daniel Njai-Rowney
If you have any welfare or safeguarding issues, then please contact us on the below email address
[email protected]
Please see below codes of conduct for junior athletes, parents/carers, and coaches. We suggest that all of these are read, to ensure that all are aware of what is expected of different people involved with the club.
It is a requirement that you read and sign the document relevant to you. So junior members must read and sign the junior athlete document (parent/carer may sign on their behalf, having ensured their child fully understands the content of the document). Their parents/carers must sign the relevant document, and coaches must also sign the relevant document. If more than one role applies to you, please sign all relevant documents.
Code of Conduct - Junior members (under 18)
Code of Conduct - Parents/carers of junior members
Code of Conduct - Junior Coaches